Seek Chiropractic Care For Sports Injury In Conroe Tx

Seek Chiropractic Care For Sports Injury In Conroe Tx

July 7, 2023

November, 2014 byadmin

Injuries come with the territory for people who exercise or take part in sports. The most common injuries that are classified as sports injuries are:

1. Ankle sprains2. Groin pulls3. Hamstring strains4. Shin splints5. ACL tears of the knee6. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) of the knee7. Epicondylitis (tennis, golfer or pitcher’s elbow)


So whether you’re someone who is just a “weekend warrior” or at the level of professional athlete, these injuries will probably happen to you at some point in time depending on the sport you take part in. How to avoid and treat these types of injuries is a big part of chiropractic care and if you suffer from a Sports Injury in Conroe TX, you should read up and learn what your options are.

Chiropractic care focuses on disorders of the body’s muscles, joints and bones as well as the nervous system. It is a drug-free, hands-on approach to medicine that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors care for patients with conditions that range from back and neck pain to muscle soreness and tightness.

Chiropractors are known for using a therapeutic treatment method known as spinal adjustment. With this treatment, the mobility of joints is restored by manually applying a controlled force to joints that have become restricted in their movement due to a soft tissue injury. The manipulations are done by hand and the goal is to reduce pain and muscle tightness and bring mobility back to the affected joints.

Chiropractors are trained in therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises as well as advising nutritional, dietary and lifestyle changes that will help athletes stay healthy and decrease the odds of injury.

The chiropractic method offers a more conservative approach to healing that often includes a reduced need for drugs or surgery. This lowers the risk of suffering side effects from medications or surgical procedures. Abuse of pain medications is major issue today, so one can see the benefits of starting with a conservative process first before moving on to more invasive options such as surgery.

Today, millions of people are seeking treatment for sports injuries across the country through chiropractic care. Since sports injuries mainly involve the muscles and bones, chiropractic physicians are obvious choices due to their expertise with neuromusculoskeletal care.

If you suffer from a Sports Injury in Conroe TX and are looking for chiropractic care, Willis Spine is an expert in the field.